About Us
Inauguration of TEMTIA and the first EMT Meeting
TEMTIA, Inc. was formed in December, 2002, as the International body associated with the inaugural International EMT conference. TEMTIA is a not-for-profit association, incorporated within the State of New South Wales, Australia and is governed by the regulations and laws of that State.OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION
The Association exists to promote the knowledge, research and dissemination of information in the field of EMT and associated research fields, in Australia and internationally, through conferences, seminars and other such electronic or printed media as may be agreed by the committee.MEMBERSHIP
We invite you to join the EMT International Association, Inc. Student members, please complete registration on-line and then complete the Supporting documentation and return to the secretariat.8th TEMTIA MEETING
7 – 10 December 2017, Hickey Auditorium, MD Cancer Centre, The University of Texas, Housotn TX USA| Convenors: Raghu Kalluri | Jing YangOnline registration is now open.
The inaugural international EMT conference under the auspices of the prestigious Australian Academy of Science Boden Research Conferences was held in Port Douglas, Far North Queensland, Australia from October 5-8, 2003, convenors Dr Don Newgreen, MCRI Melbourne and A/Professor Erik (Rik) Thompson, University of Melbourne.With technical and knowledge advances spread unevenly among the three disciplines of development, cancer and pathology, the Boden Conference on Epithelio-Mesenchymal Transitions: Development, Cancer, Pathology brought all concerned disciplines together under one umbrella for an intensive period of information exchange and networking at a period of explosive growth of the EMT field. This meeting was recognised as a “milestone event” in the genesis of future EMT-orientated research and collaboration, from basic understanding right through to approaches to disease management. More details...
Betty Hay Award
The EMT field has developed from the pioneering work of Dr. Elizabeth Hay and her students during the late 1970s when she began to discuss the differences between epithelial cells and mesenchymal cells in the embryo. The first experimental investigation of EMT developed from the immersion of embryonic epithelial cells into an extracellular matrix (Greenburg and Hay, 1982).TEMTIA recognizes her seminal contributions to the field through the Betty Hay Lecture , delivered at the EMT Conference and the awarding of the Betty Hay Award for a young female scientist who has established her laboratory within the last 5 years.
The successful Betty Hay Award recipient will receive an award of AU$1000.
Guidelines for Applicants:
- The applicant must be a current member of TEMTIA.
- The applicant must be registered and paid for the meeting.
- The Betty Hay Award is open to female postdoctoral research scientists who have established their laboratories within the last 5 years
Supporting documents to complement the application should be emailed to the secretariat:
- Curriculum vitae of the applicant: this should occupy no more than one single sheet and include a list of recent publications.
- An abstract submission for presentation
TEMTIA Travel Bursaries
The TEMTIA travel bursaries are aimed at providing vital financial assistance to attend the TEMTIA conferences. The benefits of attending quality scientific talks and exchanges, and interacting and networking with senior scientists and fellow researchers from all over the world, are immense.Application Guidelines:
- The applicant must be a current member of TEMTIA.
- The applicant is a student OR junior postdoctoral fellow (< 3 years post-doc)
- National or international delegates are eligible to apply
- Confirmation of student status (from Head of Department or equivalent) or copy of PhD award certificate should be emailed to the Secretariat
- Successful TEMTIA travel bursary applicants will be awarded AU$400 (if 5 awards) for partial support of travel expenses
- The Award is made after the meeting
Additional Travel Bursaries
Additional bursaries may be available for specific meetings. Bursaries will be announced prior to the meeting with which they are associated.Archival Meeting Reports
TEMTIA Executive
Dr Pierre Savagner
Gustave Roussy Cancer Hospital
Villejuif, France
t: +33 (0)331-4211-4084
e: pierre.savagner@inserm.fr
Caroline Hookway
Allen Institute for Cell Science
615 Westlake Ave North
Seattle, WA 98109, US
t: +1 206-548-7055
e: caroline.hookway@alleninstitute.org
A/Professor Chonghui Cheng
Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX, US
t: +1 713-798-1056
e: chonghui.cheng@bcm.edu
Associate Professor Tian Hong
Department of Biological Sciences
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W Campbell Rd
Richardson, TX, US
t: +1-972-883-6027
e: hong@utdallas.edu
Dr Caroline Ford
Prince of Wales Clinical School
University of New South Wales
t: +61 (0)2 9385 1457
e: caroline.ford@unsw.edu.au
Christine Chaffer (Australia)
Sara Lovisa (Italy)
Kyra Campbell (UK)
Loukia Karacosta (US)
Ruby Huang (Singapore)
Eric Theveneau (France)
Prashant Kumar (India)
Marc Stemmler (Germany)
Ex-Officio Members
Erik Thompson (Australia)
Don Newgreen (Australia)
Ray Runyan (USA)
Guojun Sheng (Immediate past President) (USA)
TEMTIA Secretariat
Small Talk Events Pty LtdPO Box 490
West Ryde
Sydney NSW 1685
Contact details:
t: +61 (0)422 116 849
f: +61 (0)2 9874 2327
e: TEMTIA@smalltalkevents.com.au
Skype: clivemcfarland